Functions of Health and Family Welfare Department, Madhya Pradesh Government
Functions of Health and Family Welfare Department, Madhya Pradesh Government
- Provision of primary, secondary and tertiary health care to needy population.
- Creating adequate infrastructure for provision of health care services.
- Creating adequate educational facilities for medical and paramedical manpower.
- Food and drug safety through legislation and monitoring system .
- Implementation of National Health Programmes as per local needs.
- Managing emergencies and providing emergency medical care during disaster and natural calamities.
- Promoting AYUSH as supplement to modern system of medicine.
- Reducing Maternal and Child Mortality.
- Reducing mortality and morbidity due to major communicable and non-communicable diseases.
- Providing emergency medical care during disaster and natural calamities.
- Creating adequate infrastructure for medical and paramedical education.
- Creating awareness on self care, family care and community care.